Let's begin the healing process together.
FureverFriends is a licensed pet cremation provider.
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Urns and Memorial Products

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Let's begin the healing process together.
FureverFriends is a licensed pet cremation provider.
Helping Children To Understand Pleasant Grove, NC Pet Cremation Services
Adults and children can be deeply impacted by the death of a pet. Often companion pets of all types are really members of the family and a death of a pet is often a child’s first experience with the loss of an important part of their family. The process of Pleasant Grove, NC pet cremation services can be confusing and overwhelming for children but parents can explain the process to them in a way that is comforting and appropriate.
Children may understand that their pet was old or was not in good health. In this situation it is easier for the child to understand when the pet passes away. However, with tragic accidents and sudden health issues with otherwise healthy pets it can be more difficult for everyone in the family to process the loss.
The Process of Pet Cremation Services in Pleasant Grove, NC
For those familiar with cremation services the pet cremation services in Pleasant Grove, NC are exactly the same when the family opts for a private cremation.
The pet’s body is placed into the specially designed cremation vault. The body is then exposed to direct heat that is between 1400 and 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. This reduces the body to a fine dust like material and dried bone.
The bone material and the dust is collected after the Pleasant Grove, NC pet cremation services and any metal objects such as a parts from a collar or perhaps medical parts from past vet treatments are removed from the material. The cremains are then processed to a fine powder and placed in a small plastic bag that is sealed and placed into a cloth bag or a special temporary urn made of cardboard or plastic.
This is the basic process in all pet cremation services throughout the United Pleasant Grove, NCs. Additional services can be provided that will impact the pet cremation costs in Pleasant Grove, NC. However, these additional services can be very helpful to allow the children to have the time to grieve their beloved pet and start the emotional healing process.
Explaining the Death of a Pet and Pet Cremation Services in Pleasant Grove, NC
Most children will have some questions about the death of a pet or about Pleasant Grove, NC pet cremation services. It is important to keep the answers simple and clear and to provide a child with the support that they need in this emotionally difficult time of life.
Older children may want to be involved in helping to plan pet cremation services in Pleasant Grove, NC. This can be part of the process of saying goodbye to their pet. Children can be very helpful in choosing a memorial urn or in selecting keepsake jewelry that will be a way for them to keep their pet close by.
Personalizing memorial pet urns, while this will add slightly to pet cremation costs in Pleasant Grove, NC, is another way for children to be involved in memorializing the pet. This could include choosing a favorite poem or a few lines from a song.
Children can also be involved in helping to select a favorite place after Pleasant Grove, NC pet cremation services for scattering of the cremains. This is a very good option for many families and it will not add to Pleasant Grove, NC pet cremation costs.
Setting Up a Memorial in or at the Home
To help children in understanding that their pet is still close by a memorial can be created in the home. This can be a place on a mantle or on a shelf where the memorial urn and objects or pictures associated with the pet can be displayed.
This is a very good way to provide a memorial after Pleasant Grove, NC pet cremation services are completed. Children can draw pictures, choose their favorite photos or even select ornaments or figurines that represent their beloved pet. Often this is very comforting and helps the child remember the pet and the wonderful experiences they shared together.
When the family chooses to scatter the cremains there is no additional pet cremation costs in Pleasant Grove, NC in finding an urn. However, children may still wish to plant a special tree, bush or flower in the area where the cremains were scattered or buried. This can be a very meaningful way for the child to understand that life is ongoing.
Considerations in Planning
It is helpful to allow children to interact in the planning of Pleasant Grove, NC pet cremation services as they are comfortable. It is also critical to avoid discussing pet cremation costs in Pleasant Grove, NC with the children as this is really an adult discussion.
For many families with financial restrictions on the Pleasant Grove, NC pet cremation costs talking in advance with our staff can assist in providing options that fall within your budget. Your child can then be involved in making decisions based on the options that our staff has provided. We can also offer support for the grief the family and the child is experiencing through our services.
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